Funding of Open Access books in DFG projects


Funding for Open Access monographs and edited collections can now be requested via the University Library. The funds should be requested early in order to secure funding.

Application form for funding of an Open Access book publication

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Privacy statement

We need the information marked with an asterisk (*) solely for the purpose of being able to process your request for funding or to reach you for queries.
The data transfer between your browser and the server of the University of Stuttgart takes place via an HTTP connection with SSL encryption. Please note that an unencrypted e-mail will be generated from your information and sent to the OA team of the University of Stuttgart Library within the University.
Alternatively, you can also send us your request with the necessary data via internal mail to our contact address.

Please address any requests for information and correction in accordance to sec. 21, 22 State Data Protection Act (LDSG) in writing to the data protection officer of the University of Stuttgart.

Funding conditions

  • The book is demonstrably result of a DFG project.
  • The author is employed at the University of Stuttgart.
  • The book is published in the Open Access publication model, is subject to professionally recognized quality assurance procedure, and is published under a CC BY or CC BY-SA license (CC BY-ND is also possible).
  • Edited collections also count as Open Access books unless other funding is provided (e.g. via conference fees or member fees).
  • For editedcollections, only the editors, not individual contributors, can receive funding.
  • Funding up to 5,000 Euro is available (including VAT).

The funding criteria are a result of the DFG funding program „Open Access Publication Funding“, see DFG form 12.21 - 01/24 ("Guidelines and Supplementary Instructions"), S. 5.


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