Please note the following steps for Open Access publications:
- Invoices should be sent to the central billing address of the University of Stuttgart:
Universität Stuttgart
Own institution/institute & FS number of the University Library (FS 404521)
Zentraler Rechnungseingang
Keplerstr. 7
70174 Stuttgart
- In order for the University Library to carry out the cost monitoring, it is essential to specify the funds center number (FS) of the University Library.
The VAT number of the University is DE 1477 94 196 (see
Invoice processing
If no G/L account is specified yet, assign invoices for publication costs in the Digital Invoice Workflow (DRW) to one of the following two G/L accounts:
- 603146 Aufw f PublikationsGeb an Verlage f open access
(Expenses for publication fees to publishers for open access) - 603147 Aufw f PublikationsGeb an Verlage f closed access
(Expenses for publication fees to publishers for closed access)
Key terms for the assignment to both G/L accounts
603146 Aufw f PublikationsGeb an Verlage f open access (Expenses for publication fees to publishers for open access) |
603147 Aufw f PublikationsGeb an Verlage f closed access (Expenses for publication fees to publishers for closed access) |
The University of Stuttgart shares the DFG’s goal of working towards the most comprehensive cost monitoring possible in the coming years.
At present, not all Open Access publication costs are known as a considerable amount is spent decentrally. Improving the data situation at this point supports price negotiations with publishers, improves Open Access monitoring, and ultimately contributes to a cost-effective design of the transformation process towards Open Access. Therefore, central recording of publication costs is part of the University of Stuttgart’s Open Access strategy.