Courses & Events

You can find introductory courses on the Open Access publication services of the University of Stuttgart on this page. In addition, we also occasionally organise overarching events in the field of Open Science.

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Courses in the winter semester 2024/25

Open Access publication services of the University Library Stuttgart / Webinar

The event will provide an overview of the publication services offered by Stuttgart University Library and will also address general questions about Open Access:

  • Funding opportunities from the Open Access Publication Fund
  • Agreements with scientific publishers (memberships, discounts, etc.)
  • DEAL agreements with the publishers Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley
  • Gold and green publications on the OPUS publication server
  • Advice on founding journals; hosting of Open Journal Systems (OJS)
  • Open Access books
  • CC licences

Duration: 90 Minutes

The course will be held in German, unless otherwise requested. 

Target group: Scientists of the University of Stuttgart

Dates & Registration

Welcome Weeks: Publishing Support - Open Access, funds & more

Open Access has become a standard in scientific publishing. The session gives an overview of the University Library’s publication services:

  • OA definitions: gold, green and hybrid OA
  • Support from the Open Access publication fund
  • Agreements with the publishers (DEAL etc.) 
  • Publication server OPUS for gold and green OA
  • PhD Thesis
  • Publisher & OA Books: funds 
  • Not for profit alternatives 
  • Creative Commons: why we need CC BY

Target group: PhD students

The session will be held in Englisch and is part of the GRADUS Welcome Weeks for Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs.



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