Establishing Open Access journals

The Open Access team advises and supports scholar-led academic journals and offers hosting of the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software.

Support service

The University of Stuttgart Library supports scientists at the University of Stuttgart in publishing and operating their own Open Access journals (scholar-led publishing) independently of publishers.

Our services:

  • Joint planning process for journal establishment:
    • Gold Open Access: Standards and legal issues in journal flipping (conversion from Closed Access with a publisher to Open Access via the infrastructure of the University Library)
    • Creation of a concept: profile, target group, branding (title, logo, layout, own domain), workflows, author information, quality assurance procedures, CC licenses, resources, and sustainability
    • Indexing: Elektronic Journals Library (EZB), support with citation and subject databases 
    • Support with the acquisition of third-party funding
  • Hosting and setting up the Open Journal Systems (OJS) web software
  • Reimbursement of costs for adapting the web layout: up to 3,000 Euro from the Open Access Publication Fund
  • Arranging OJS training courses for editors
  • Assigning DOI for articles and an ISSN for the journal


  • Open Journal Systems is an Open Source program with which a journal can be operated independently of existing external infrastructures (service providers, publishers, etc.).
  • OJS was developed as part of the Canadian Public Knowledge Project by the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University in Burnaby (Canada), and Stanford University.
  • OJS supports the entire process of online publishing, from the article submission, reviewing, and editing to publishing and commenting on published articles.
  • For reviewing, customizable templates, which are very helpful for editorial work (e.g. double-blind peer review), are available for communication between the roles/user groups involved.
  • Expandability of functions through plugins

Open Access journals at the University of Stuttgart

University of Stuttgart Library


Open Access Team

Holzgartenstr. 16, 70174 Stuttgart

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