In order to fulfill the publication requirement for your dissertation, you have the choice between several publication types. One possibility is the electronic publication of your dissertation on OPUS.
Further possible publication types
To publish your dissertation via OPUS, please proceed as follows:
- Prepare file(s)
- Please create a PDF file, preferably a PDF/A file. In doing so, please also observe the other technical requirements.
- Please settle copyright and licensing issues so that no third party rights conflict with the publication.
- Sign on to OPUS
- To be able to publish your dissertation on OPUS, a registration is required (see button "Log In" on the top right of the website).
- If you do not have an account yet, you can register under "New user? ..." with your e-mail address.
- Upload metadata and file(s)
- Please enter in the online form all necessary information describing the document and upload the corresponding file(s).
- Accept licensing terms
- Before the document can be sent to us, you have to accept the licensing terms. Finally, please click on the “Deposit” button.
- In order to be able to publish your dissertation, please also send us the completed and signed licensing terms (DE) afterwards.
A curriculum vitae does not have to be published in the dissertation (see Doctoral Degree Regulations (PromO) Sec. 13, par. 3, cl. 1). Especially in the case of an electronic publication we recommend not doing so for reasons of privacy. Please remove the CV, if necessary, and adapt the table of contents accordingly before uploading the file.
Deletion is no longer possible after the publication.
After you have uploaded your work and we have formally reviewed it, you will receive feedback from us if everything is in order from our point of view.
If changes need to be made, we can refer the document back to you and you can make the correction. Please note that changes are no longer possible after publication.
If everything is in order, you can have the 6 printed copies of the dissertation prepared that must be submitted in addition to the electronic version. Please note the guidelines for the outer form.
The online and the printed version must match exactly in order to ensure the correct citability of your work. This means that also the formatting and pagination must be identical. Therefore, please print only the final PDF file and not the manuscript from Word, InDesign or LaTeX to avoid differing formatting, breaks, etc. If the printer makes changes to the file, e.g. inserts or removes blank pages or even changes pagination, please ask for the corresponding file and inform us about it.
To submit the printed copies and the corresponding documents please contact the Team Publication Services (T3) of the University Library.
Further information on the submission and further procedure
After clearance of your dissertation by the dean or the chairperson of the doctoral committee, you will automatically be notified by email that your document has now been published.
Habilitation Theses
Habilitation theses written at the University of Stuttgart are to be published as well (see Habilitation Regulations (HabilO) Sec. 12, par.1, cl. 1).
As for dissertations, you also have the choice between several publication types here. One possibility is the electronic publication of your habilitation thesis on OPUS.
Other possible publication types are the release through a publishing house, as a self-print, within an institution series or as a cumulative habilitation thesis.
To publish your habilitation thesis electronically via OPUS, please proceed as follows:
- Prepare file(s)
- Please create a PDF file, preferably a PDF/A file. In doing so, please also observe the other technical requirements.
- Please settle copyright and licensing issues so that no third party rights conflict with the publication.
- Sign on to OPUS
- To be able to publish your habilitation thesis on OPUS, a registration is required (see button "Log In" on the top right of the website).
- If you do not have an account yet, you can register under "New user? ..." with your e-mail address.
- Upload metadata and file(s)
- Please enter in the online form all necessary information describing the document and upload the corresponding file(s).
- Accept licensing terms
- Before the document can be sent to us, you have to accept the licensing terms. Finally, please click on the “Deposit” button.
- In order to be able to publish your habilitation thesis, please also send us the completed and signed licensing terms (DE) afterwards.
A curriculum vitae does not have to be published in the habilitation thesis. Especially in the case of an electronic publication we recommend not doing so for reasons of privacy. Please remove the CV, if necessary, and adapt the table of contents accordingly before uploading the file.
Deletion is no longer possible after the publication.
After you have uploaded your work and we have formally reviewed it, you will receive feedback from us if everything is in order from our point of view.
If changes need to be made, we can refer the document back to you and you can make the correction. Please note that changes are no longer possible after publication.
If everything is in order, you can have the 5 printed copies of the habilitation thesis prepared that must be submitted in addition to the electronic version.
The online and print versions must match exactly in order to ensure the correct citability of your work. This means that also the formatting and pagination must be identical. Therefore, please print only the final PDF file and not the manuscript from Word, InDesign or LaTeX to avoid differing formatting, breaks, etc. If the printer makes changes to the file, e.g. inserts or removes blank pages or even changes pagination, please ask for the corresponding file and inform us about it.
To submit the printed copies and the corresponding documents please contact the Team Publication Services (T3) of the University Library.
After the clearance of your habilitation thesis by the dean or the chairperson of the habilitation committee, you will automatically be notified by email that your document has now been published.
Other Qualification Theses
Students of the University of Stuttgart can also publish their own qualification theses (bachelor’s and master’s theses, etc.) on OPUS. It is required that the publication is approved by the supervisor.
To publish your qualification thesis via OPUS, please proceed as follows:
- Prepare file(s)
- Please create a PDF file, preferably a PDF/A file. In doing so, please also observe the other technical requirements.
- Please settle copyright and licensing issues so that no third party rights conflict with the publication.
- Sign on to OPUS
- To be able to publish your qualification thesis on OPUS, a registration is required (see button "Log In" on the top right of the website).
- If you do not have an account yet, you can register under "New user? ..." with your e-mail address.
- Upload metadata and file(s)
- Please enter in the online form all necessary information describing the document and upload the corresponding file(s).
- Accept licensing terms
- Before the document can be sent to us, you have to accept the licensing terms. Finally, please click on the “Deposit” button.
- In order to be able to publish your qualification thesis, please also send us the completed and signed licensing terms (DE) afterwards. Please note that your supervisor must also sign on the form.
As soon as we have received all required data and documents in full, your qualification thesis will be released after a formal review by employees of the University Library.
If changes need to be made, we refer the document back to you so that you can make the necessary corrections. You can then upload the document again.
After publication, you will automatically be notified via email that your document has now been released.