Upload to OPUS

User registration, publication types, files, and metadata


To publish a document via OPUS, please proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare file(s)
  2. Sign on to OPUS
    • To be able to publish a document on OPUS, a registration is required (see button "Log In" on the top right of the website).
    • If you do not have an account yet, you can register under "New user? ..." with your e-mail address.
  3. Upload metadata and file(s)
    • Please enter in the online form all necessary information describing the document and upload the corresponding file(s).
  4. Accept licensing terms
    • Before the document can be sent to us, you have to accept the licensing terms. Finally, please click on the “Deposit” button.
    • In order to be able to publish your publication, please also send us the completed and signed licensing terms (DE) afterwards.

In the case of dissertations and habilitation theses, you must also prepare some printed copies of your work and submit them to the University Library.
Further information

As soon as we have received all required data and documents in full, the document will be released after a formal review by employees of the University Library and your document thus be published online on a long-term basis and freely available worldwide.

If changes need to be made, we refer the document back to you so that you can make the necessary corrections. You can then upload the document again.

After publication, you will automatically be notified via email that your document has now been released.

Publication Types

You can upload following publication types to OPUS:

  • Article
    The publication type Article includes documents published as an article, editorial, index, table of contents, or editorial section in a periodical (journal issue, annual report, etc.). It may be a postprint (a version created after peer review, but still without the publisher’s own formatting and logo) or the final version in the publisher’s layout, depending on the conditions under which the publisher permits self-archiving.
  • Bachelor Thesis
    The publication type Bachelor Thesis refers to the lowest level of a final thesis.
  • Book
    The publication type Book is intended for monographic works.
  • Book Part
    The publication type Book Part represents documents that have been created within the framework of a monographic work, such as chapters or articles in collective works.
  • Conference Object (Conference Proceedings)
    The publication type Conference Object (Conference Proceedings) refers to a collective work with several or all articles of a conference, congress, etc.
  • Conference Object Part (Conference Paper)
    The publication type Conference Object Part (Conference Paper) includes all types of documents related to a conference (e.g. articles in a conference volume, presentations at a conference, other conference contributions, such as abstracts or conference posters, etc.).
  • Doctoral Thesis
    The publication type Doctoral Thesis refers to a scientific work for obtaining a doctoral degree.
  • Habilitation
    The publication type Habilitation refers to a scientific work within the framework of a habilitation for obtaining the authorization to teach.
  • Master Thesis (Diplom)
    Master Thesis (Magister)
    Master Thesis (Master)
    The publication types Master Thesis (Diplom), Master Thesis (Magister), Master Thesis (Master) refer to the medium level of a final thesis.
  • Periodical Part (Journal Issue, Annual Report)
    The publication type Periodical Part (Journal Issue, Annual Report) refers to the journal issue in the classic sense or, for example, an annual report.
  • Preprint
    The publication type Preprint includes preliminary scientific papers not intended to be published in an institution series, but in a scientific journal or as part of a book. A preprint is a manuscript version that has been submitted for publication, but has not yet been peer reviewed or recommended for publication. As a rule, the rights of use are still held by the author.
  • Report
    The publication type Report includes text-based material that cannot be assigned elsewhere.
  • Research Paper, Working Paper
    The publication type Research Paper, Working Paper refers to a (preliminary) scientific or technical paper published in an institution series.
  • Study Thesis
    The publication type Study Thesis refers to a text-based paper created during the course of studies.


Before uploading your files to OPUS, please make sure that they meet the following basic technical requirements:

  • Text documents should be published in a platform independent format such as PDF (preferably PDF/A) as they are only available to a limited public otherwise.
    Therefore please convert your document to the format PDF/A before uploading it to OPUS.
  • Other file formats such as txt, csv, png, svg, and tif are accepted as well. If you wish to use other file formats, please turn to the Team Publication Services (T3).
  • We recommend submitting the document in one file. Depending on the size of the paper, the document can also be submitted in several partial files, however.
  • As the file names will be kept and displayed when opening the files, you should make sure to choose short and meaningful names for your file(s). If you upload several partial files, they should be named so the order of the files remains obvious (e.g. Ch01.pdf, Ch02.pdf, etc.) If you number the files, please do so using two digits.
    There should be no umlauts and no blanks in the file names. Underlines can be used instead (e.g. Chapter_01_Introduction.pdf). Ideally, comply with the ISO 9660 naming convention (file names with a maximum of 8 characters, all file names may only contain the letters A to Z without accents, the digits 0 to 9, and the underline).

PDF creation

University of Stuttgart Library


Open Access Team

Holzgartenstr. 16, 70174 Stuttgart

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