People & Content
All members of the University of Stuttgart can publish documents electronically via the publication server OPUS.
That can be:
- Publications with scientific content, such as journal articles (including preprints and postprints), conference papers, research reports, monographs, parts of monographs, etc.
- Publications whose publication is required or recommended by examination regulations (dissertations and habilitation theses)
- Qualification theses from students of the University of Stuttgart (bachelor’s and master’s theses) if the publication is recommended by the supervisor
You can publish primary publications (e.g. research reports) and self-archived publications (copies of already published publications, e.g. postprints of journal articles) via OPUS.
Listing & Duration of Listing
The documents on OPUS are found easily through an online search in established search engines. They are also listed not only in the catalog of the University Library, but also in other German library catalogs such as the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK) and in search engines for scientific documents such as BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine). This significantly increases the visibility of your publications.
The availability should be guaranteed for as long as possible. For this reason, OPUS also cooperates with the German National Library to guarantee long-term archiving of the documents.
Citability & Reuse
In principle, publications on OPUS are equivalent to conventional publications and therefore also citable.
For this reason, the possibility to change or delete documents is not provided. This guarantees the authenticity of the documents. If the author wishes to make a correction, the changed document has to be submitted again as a new version. This corresponds to the process of a new edition in printed publications.
The electronic documents are provided with persistent identifier (DOI, URN/NBN), which allow direct and permanently available access to the documents.
OPUS does not support the Collective Management Organisation VG Wort. However, you have the opportunity to participate in the so-called special distribution of funds of VG Wort (DE) and can apply for a lump-sum remuneration for your work.