Creative Commons licenses

Supporting Open Science

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CC licenses offer the possibility of granting rights of use in a simple and standardized way, e.g. for scientific publications and research data.

Standards for publications - for free subsequent use in the sense of Open Science:

  • Choice of "CC BY" or "CC BY-SA" licenses (for books)
  • Criterion for orientation: Ensuring the greatest possible openness
  • Particularly important for third-party funded projects: Observe the requirements of the research funders (cf. especially Plan S)

By granting the CC BY license, the subsequent use of the publication is regulated in a legally compliant manner. This license is increasingly becoming the internationally recognized standard. With it, authors grant a simple right of use to their publication. This allows, for example, sharing and storing. Bureaucratic procedures for checking rights of self-archiving do not apply.
Nevertheless, authors must be named with every use.

Please note that publications with restrictive modules such as CC BY-NC-ND are not eligible for funding from the Open Access publication fund.

Frequently asked questions about CC licenses, in particular with regards to the NC (Non Commercial) module, can be found in this guide (DE).
The Creative Commons FAQ may also be helpful.

We would also like to draw your attention to the DEAL consortium's information campaign "Open Access means CC BY". Find out why CC BY is the best choice for Open Access publishing. And unlock the full potential of your research by choosing CC BY!

More about the licenses:

CC License Chooser

University of Stuttgart Library


Open Access Team

Holzgartenstr. 16, 70174 Stuttgart

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