Open Science Tools and Services for Publishing University of Stuttgart

Since the great ‘journal crisis’ of the 1990s at the latest, it has been known that the oligopolistic structure of the academic publishing market can be an obstacle to free research and teaching. Over the last two decades, the prices and fees charged by commercial providers have continued to rise sharply, making it increasingly difficult to finance scientific publications. To counteract this, the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) are systematically promoting alternative publication models that are supported by scientific institutions. The resulting publications should be digitally accessible worldwide free of charge and also be realised as cost-neutral as possible for the authors (so-called Diamond Open Access). The University of Stuttgart also supports these endeavours, for example through the OcToPUS project. 

All members of the University of Stuttgart are invited to take part in our survey in order to help shape the further development of academic publishing at the University of Stuttgart!


Info video: The OcToPUS Project


Further information

The Stuttgart sub-project OcToPUS (Open Science Tools and Services for Publishing University of Stuttgart) of the BMBF-funded joint project Diamond_Thinking aims to establish local structures for the publication of scientific findings in Diamond Open Access (DOA) in line with demand. In particular, the focus is on conference proceedings and proceedings of scientific societies. At the same time, the aim of the project is to publicise the existing and newly established services at the University of Stuttgart and to support and further develop the DOA offer through continuous scientific evaluation measures.

Have we piqued your interest? Could you imangine to publish with OcToPUS? Then please contact us for further information and customised offers: octopus@ub.uni-stuttgart.de

This image shows Stefan Drößler

Stefan Drößler


Academic Liaison Librarian, Open Access Officer, Coordination Publication Server OPUS, BMBF Grants TU9_Monos, Diamond Thinking, DFG Grant Open Access Publication Costs

This image shows Sibylle Hermann

Sibylle Hermann


Publication Services (Head of Department), Academic Liaison Librarian,
Coordinator Research Data,
Third-party Funded Projects (Project Manager), Open Science

This image shows Jonas Scherr

Jonas Scherr

PD Dr. habil.

Team BMBF-Project "Diamond_Thinking", Sub-Project Manager "OcToPUS"

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